Design / Production
Our Designer, based in Japan and New York, take multiple cultural perspectives into account when they create creative materials and build websites for our target market.
Design / Creative Production
Our multilingual and multicultural creative team execute effective branding and designs that transcend language barriers. We conquer this based on the target market, consumer, and mode of entry via copy-writing, character/icon creation, advertisement design, and package design.
Case Studies:
・JETRO New York Office “New York Style” (2015)
・JFOODO “Japanese Rice Flour Recipe Pamphlet” (2019) etc.
・Overseas Branding and Design
・Advertisement Design
・Flyers / Booklets Print
・Video Production and Editing (inc. Subtitle Translation)/
・Promotional Goods etc.
Web Design / Operation
Our web design team has multicultural awareness as well as knowledge in cultural trends that are essential to building successful websites before aesthetically designing websites. More importantly, our multilingual professionals generate high-quality content and expression of language that improves SEO.
・Web Design and Web Production (ENG / JPN / CHI)
・Domain Acquisition (JPN / Oversea)
・Web Hosting and Management
・SEO Improvement
・Google Analytics / Effectiveness Measurement etc.